How Will Pakatan Divide The Rest of The Cake!

There is already grumbling in Pakatan Harapan on how the 14th general election cake is being divided.

Rafizi is quoted with the following:
“The decision was made without our participation. He bulldozed it… the due process of discussions was not done.
“As far as we are concerned, the discussions have to take place,” Rafizi told Malaysiakini.

There is little doubt that he is openly saying what others are too scared to express.

But at least one other (Wong Chen) has come out to support Rafizi after the former received criticism over his remarks.

From The Star

PETALING JAYA: Rafizi Ramli’s concerns on Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s new cabinet line-up are warranted as these decisions were made without consulting PKR, says his fellow party vice president Wong Chen

Wong said it is perplexing that PKR has not been offered any Cabinet positions yet, since it is the single largest party in Pakatan Harapan.

He pointed out that the party has 48 federal seats, while DAP has 42, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia has 13 and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) has 11.

“Nothing yet for PKR, the single largest party in Pakatan Harapan? So what did Rafizi do that is wrong in the eyes of the public?

“He is telling the truth to power, that these appointments were made without PKR’s consent,” Wong he said in a statement on Facebook on Saturday (May 12).
Click the link to read the full article.

As some members who earlier left Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) have insinuated; there was an inner circle within the their newly formed political party.

Looking at the how the new cabinet is being formed; there appears to be an inner circle and kickbacks within the new Pakatan Harapan government.

How else can one justify Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as Home Minister and Mat Sabu as Defence Minister. Are those just ceremonial positions while others do the everyday heavy lifting?

Muhyiddin Yassin’s appointment seems to be his reward for his not making waves after being dropped as a potential appointee for both Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

With respect to the appointment of Mat Sabu as Defence Minister; one can only say that Malaysia is extremely fortunate that it enjoys good relations with other nations.

Now most recall when it was written that Lim Kit Siang should reveal his aspirations as DOM and Finance Minister.

It would have proven earlier allegations true had Lim Kit Siang been appointed Finance Minister so a switch of sorts was made and his son Lim Guan Eng was appointed to that post. In reality, nothing has changed as father and son will be running that Ministry giving credence to earlier stories of a deal being struck.

As the cake continues to be given out, those who have put in all the work will be lucky to end up with the crumbs that fall from the table.

It has always been about the inner circle of Pakatan Harapan and their aspirations. Now those in Pakatan are questioning how the new Pakatan Harapan government will divide the rest of the cake or will the the inner circle take the lion’s share!

UMNO’S New Beginning!

With its loss in the 14th general election; UMNO now has the opportunity for a new beginning through a process of self reflection.

During the next five (5) years UMNO can review not just the past term, but the past few terms to ascertain how events turned out the way they have.

Perhaps it will be determined that they (UMNO) did not do anything wrong or that Pakatan Harapan did anything correct.

It could have all come down to Malaysians wanting a change just for the sake of change; and if that were the case, then the Pakatan Harapan is the beneficiary of good timing.

Whatever is the case, they won the election democratically and the government under the leadership of former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has accepted the will of the people.

In fact, it was the government who said early on that any removal of the Prime Minister should be carried out following a democratic process. That has happened.

UMNO has the next five (5) years to regain the trust and hopefully the mandate of the rakyat.

So UMNO should not look at the results of the election on the 9th May as a step back, but yet as a great opportunity for a new beginning!

There’s No Denying It; Malaysia’s In Good Hands!

There is no denying that Malaysia is in good hands. As such tomorrow is not a time to jump off the successful track Malaysia is embarked and on to one that has zero direction.

Ok. Not quite zero. Pakatan Harapan’s direction for the nation is no more Goods and Services Tax (GST). And yes, they still have not articulated how they plan to come up with the revenue for expenditures that the GST is now covering.

The 14th general election is a time for pragmatism to replace emotion. The vote is not about nostalgia it is about the continuing the success already at hand.

The government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has proven that he and the government are more than capable to continue Malaysia’s growth into the future.

During the entire time when those who had personal agendas were attempting to remove the Prime Minister did he (Najib) complain; he continued to work for the betterment of the all the people of Malaysia.

Pakatan Harapan tried all they could to distract Najib from his job, but as was written recently; some things are easier said than done.

Successful leaders lead even through the most adverse situations. Malaysians have witnessed how the DAP Pakatan opposition has worked night and day to give Malaysians and the world the impression that Malaysia is a failed nation.

Now those lies which were propagated against the Prime Minister and Malaysia have been proven to be false.

The government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has not only worked to bring economic investment to the nation, but is working to make sure national unity, safety, empowerment and education are things that all Malaysians have access.

Having a clarity of purpose, there is no denying that Malaysia with the present government is in good hand!

Pakatan Has Learned That Removing Najib Is Easier Said Than Done!

Pakatan is learning (if they haven’t already) that some things are easier said than done; like removing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak

Gone are those days of giddiness when Pakatan Harapan pre and post Tun Mahathir with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) believed that Najib would fold under the slightest of pressure.

Pakatan Harapan were arrogantly beside themselves as they actually thought their coup d’etait would bear results.

Pakatan’s propaganda machine was revved up to keep print, social media and the airwaves filled with all manner of fake news with the hope of turning public opinion against the Prime Minister.

However with Pakatan’s ever increasing spectrum of lies the rakyat only became more suspicious of what turned out to in fact be fake new reports.

Even their chief fake news source (Sarawak Report) has been debunked in the UK court for claims that Datuk Seri Hadi Abdul Awang had received some form of bribe from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Now that Clare Rewcastle-Brown and her Sarawak Report have been thoroughly discredited, Pakatan has to look for other propaganda sources in these last two (2) days before the 14th general election.

As it stands, are in a self inflicted tailspin. They truly believed that Malaysians would fall for all of their proclamations of the sky sky falling and therefore Malaysia needed saving.

As it has turned out, all of the marketing slogans like ‘Save Malaysia’, ‘People’s Congress‘ and ‘Nothing To Hide’ were just the second phase to Pakatan Harapan blitzing the media about 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

But Malaysians never really bit the 1MDB hook thus weakening any effectiveness they (Pakatan Harapan) hoped to have with their marketing slogans.

These days Pakatan Harapan’s collective leadership has lost their giddiness as they are learning that some things are easier said than done; like illegally removing Prime Minister Najib from office.

Send Tun Dr. Mahathir Home to Rest!

Those who may have some sort of nostalgia for Tun Dr. Mahathir should send him home to rest.

The limited campaigning he is doing is taxing enough; imagine having to lead a nation at ninety plus (90+) years of age.

Yes everyone knows that he is doing what he is doing for the sake of his son (Mukhriz) failed political career. And by his own admission, he only wants to play Prime Minister for two (2) years; which seriously disrespects the office.

Him saying that is almost as bad as when Datuk Wan Azizah Ismail said that she doesn’t mind being a puppet.

Even Pinocchio wanted to be the real and yet she is content to being a puppet.

So what DAP Pakatan Harapan has is there self proclaimed top dog only wanting to be a part time Prime Minister with the sole aim of positioning his son Mukhriz and to secure some sort of dynasty.

Then there is Pakatan Harapan’s former choice for Prime Minister and now earmarked for deputy Prime Minister (Datuk Wan Azizah Ismail) who is worried about her own PKR deputy Selangor Menteri Besar (Datuk Azmin Ali) supplanting her as party president and does not mind if others like Lim Kit Siang or the DAP pull her strings.

So the DAP-led Pakatan opposition wants voters to put their future in a part timer(Tun Dr. Mahathir) and a wannabe puppet’s (Wan Azizah Ismail’s) hands because of the lie they tried to perpetuate that that Malaysia is going bankrupt.

Just click the link below to get a clear picture of Malaysia’s financial situation.

Malaysia’s financial woes is only one of the lies that has come full circle to bite DAP-led Pakatan.

Tun Dr. Mahathir has to try and navigate the field of lies that he and his cohorts in the Pakatan opposition have created while at the same time to try give the assurance that his many U-turns of late and memory slippage are not a sign of this phase of his life.

What ever the case may be, those who may feel some sort of nostalgia for Tun Dr. Mahathir should send him home to rest!

The Legal Verdict Against Sarawak Report Proves Pakatan’s Assertions Were All Lies!

The British court ruling against Clare Rewcastle-Brown proves that all the assertions DAP-led Pakatan brought forth were all lies.


(Raja Petra Kamarudin)

Why was Sarawak Report not able to prove that Najib paid Hadi a RM90 million bribe or that Najib stole 1MDB’s money? All Sarawak Report needed to do was to show the court the evidence and convince the judge that Najib paid Hadi a RM90 million bribe or that Najib stole 1MDB’s money. After all, Sarawak Report has been claiming these last three years that it has tons of evidence to prove that Najib stole 1MDB’s money. So now is the time to show that evidence and convince the court the evidence exists.

The dominoes for Pakatan Harapan have already been falling as their whole campaign (if you want to call it that) is in helter skelter. This latest blow only sinks them deeper in the muck they have created.

Of course course the Pakatan Harapan leadership and minions will try to distance themselves from what has happened to Clare Rewcastle-Brown (Sarawak Report).

They will either keep quiet on the issue or pretend that it has nothing to do with them.

However, had the court’s ruling been in Sarawak Report’s favour the DAP-led Pakatan opposition would have been shouting the news from the top of one or both of the twin towers. Why wouldn’t they as they have been directly or indirectly utilizing Sarawak Report as their foreign news portal.

With the 14th general election a week away (9 May 2018) they (Pakatan Harapan) desperately needed something to provide a spark to their campaign. At the very least, they needed the idea that both Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang had engaged in some wrong doing.

With the British court stating that their was no impropriety between Hadi and Najib Pakatan Harapan Clare Rewcastle-Brown and Pakatan Harapan are seen as malicious fabricators/liers.

Those (Pakatan Harapan) are the same people who try to dupe Malaysians and in particular Malays that they are squeaky clean and have no ulterior motives.

Nothing further could be from the truth.

Every nonsensical move Pakatan Harapan made was and is connected to how they can trick Malays into voting for them.

However when efforts were made to smear Datuk Seri Hadi Abdul Awang it backfired.

Just by connecting the dots Malasians can see how the British court’s verdict against Sarawak Report only proves that Pakatan Harapans assertions were lies all along!

Tun Mahathir Will Say Anything To Get Himself in Position To Help Mukhriz!

Tun Mahathir will say anything to get himself in position to help Mukhriz!

Tun Mahathir’s latest in his ever expanding desperation move is more bizarre than his vanishing billions into thin air.

These days Tun Mahathir is talking about political assassination; namely his.

As they are fond of saying in the USA; ‘Hello’

Come on let’s get real, this is Malaysia not exactly a place known as the hotbed of political assassinations.

It certainly seems that the once mighty has fallen so low that he (Mahathir) is trying to garner sympathy support for his failing bid at a comeback.

Remember his crying out that he is more popular than Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak? Subsequent elections squelched that thought very quickly.

Then there was the cry that the government is keeping his Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) from being registered.

However when the registration of PPBM went through, he could not use his political martyre card. Some are wondering, if he will use the PPBM log or fly under the PKR logo.

Now he is talking about being marked for assassination; at the age of 90+.

But not getting any tears or believers over that he has come up with the idea that his plane has been sabotaged; again with the idea of wanting him out of the way.

Somewhere in Mahathir’s delusions, he believes that he is still a political force to be reckoned with in the 14th general election.

However the sad reality is the man (Mahathir) whose rule over Malaysia eclipsed two decades no longer commands the stage as he had in the pass. Now people show up to at his events out of curiosity; proving crowd size doesn’t always matter.

Unless Tun Mahathir is totally surrounded by his press clippings from his time in office, he has to realize that not only is DAP-Pakatan in serious trouble, but he is as well as their is a good possibility that he may not win the Langkawi seat.

In Raja Petra Kamarudin’s (RPK) The Corridores of Power

Mahathir is so desperate to win the Langkawi seat in the 9th May 2018 general election. This is supposed to be the safest seat in Malaysia for him and if he loses Langkawi he is doomed. So, Mahathir will resort to anything to win — even lie, cheat and bribe if necessary. Mahathir is prepared to even buy votes by bribing each voter RM1,000 if need be. And all it will cost him is RM20 million to buy enough votes to win, which is nothing to save losing face plus much more.

Click the link to read the full article.

So it seems that Tun Mahathir is running the gambit from vanishing billions, political assassination to sabotaged aircraft; he will say and do anything to get himself in position to help his son Mukhriz become prime minister.

To the naysayers; his teaming up with Lim Kit Siang should prove the point!

Surrounding Himself With Malays; Emperor Lim Kit Siang Still Has No Clothes!

No matter how DAP-led Pakatan leader tries to surround himself with Malays; emperor Lim Kit Siang still has not clothes.

Sure he can surround himself with Malays to to create the illusion that they (the Malays) are calling the shots and running the show; but everyone knows that DAP-led Pakatan is the fiefdom which he is emperor.

The Malays which he has propped up around him are just the window dressing to lure in the unsuspecting pray.

There is Tun Mahathir who may believe that Lim Kit Siang has forgotten their contentious pass and is letting bygones be bygones. But the truth may be more that the two former antagonist are bidding their time to see who can screw the other the hardest.

At present Lim Kit Siang is perfectly willing to allow Tun Mahathir to be the face of the Pakatan coalition. For Kit Siang, the end justifies the means; create the illusion that the Pakatan coalition is Malay led while keeping the real power with the DAP.

There are those such as Mat Sabu and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who like Datuk Wan Azizah Ismail are willing to be used just as long at the end of the day (election) they get what they were promised, if they were to capture Putrajaya.

What price is to big as long as Emperor Lim Kit Siang can keep himself clothed (fronted) with Malays.

However not many Malays are buying into the facade that Malays are at the helm of DAP-led Pakatan. They are seeing through the charade that is being perpetuated as well as who and what is behind it.

What they see is that even with having Malays as cover, emperor Lim Kit Siang still has no clothes and they (Malays) are calling him as well as DAP-led Pakatan out on the farce!

If Tun Mahathir Were Really The ‘Top Dog’…

He would not need help

Let’s face it, if Tun Mahathir were really the ‘top dog’, he would not need to rely on Lim Kit Siang DAP-led Pakatan opposition as a vehicle to ride in the 9th May 2018 14th general election. He would square his shoulders and have his now defunct Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) go it alone.

Tun Mahathir would have been so confident that Malaysians would rally to him that the mere idea of him making a comeback would have been enough.

But his comeback is not enough so like leeches in need of hosts the two (Tun Mahathir with PPBM and Lim Kit Siang with his DAP-led Pakatan opposition) have latched onto each other; proof that Tun Mahathir is not the top dog he deludes himself to be.

Mukhriz would still be Menteri Besar

Mukhriz did not survive as Kedah Menteri Besar because he believed he could hold the post while providing minimal service to those in the State. As a result of his lack of political acrumen, Mukhriz could not understand that providing valued service to the people would create an environment for political longevity.

However, Mukhriz felt certain that having Tun Mahathir as his father, that his post as Kadah Menteri Besar and future position as Prime Minister were his.

Mukhriz was too politically naive to see that his father did not have the same sway thst he had when he governed the nation. In fact, Tun Mahathir did not hold enough sway in UMNO to keep his son from being shown the door; even with his Trojan horses still hiding like cockroaches in the party.

He would not blame everything on Najib

Tun Mahathir has blamed everything under the sun on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. If he perceives anything to be is wrong in Malaysia, Mahathir is quick to place the blame on Najib.

  • His son cannot become Youth Minister or UMNO vice president; blame Najib.
  • His business the loaf closed down; again blame Najib.
  • Lim Guan Eng caught having purchased a greatly undervalued bungalow dang…cannot blame that one on Najib!

Looking at the political writing on the wall; Tun Mahathir and cohorts have probably already prepared their post GE14 press statements blaming their loss on some grand goverment conspiracy to fix the election.

Never the less, looking at things as they are; if Tun Mahathir were a real top dog, he would not have to place blame on Najib; he would let the voters decide just like they did in Sarawak, Sungei Besar and Kuala Kangsar. There would not have been a need to try and hatch a coup d’etait.

But then again, those elections did not turn out in favour of the top dog and DAP-led Pakatan even when they blamed Najib for the world’s problems.

Given all of his failed efforts to try and remove Najib; the world can now see that the self proclaimed top dog has little bark, no bite and can only whimper!

If Tun Mahathir were really a Top dog, he wouldn’t have to proclaim it!

Self Proclaimed Top dog Mahathir is Spending His Last Bit of Gas to Save Mukhriz’ Political Life!

Anyone who has or has had a grandfather would want to see him spending his later years relaxing and enjoying the company of family and friends. There are not too many people who would want to see someone in their nineties (90’s) taxing themslves making another run for office.

But the DAP-led Pakatan/PKR opposition self proclaimed top dog is spending his last bit gas to save his son Mukhriz political life.

Tun Mahathir knows that without his intervention Mukhriz was pretty much ‘Dead Politician Walking’.

Tun Mahathir’s son Mukhriz would have been like his business venture The Loaf; kaput, habis, thoroughly and unequivocally politically washed up.

Knowing all to well that Mukhriz could not travel down the political path on his own, Mahathir had to manoeuvre his way back into active politics.

I say active politics because Tun Mahathir thought that he could control Putrajaya without having to be their physically.

However Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak set him straight on that right away. Najib was not going to let himself be a puppet for Mahathir like Datuk Wan Azizah Ishmail is so willing to be for Lim Kit Siang and the DAP.

The pretext of Tun Mahathir returning was to Save Malaysia, but as it has become abundantly clear too many in Malaysia; it’s about saving his son Mukhriz.

Mahathir knows deep down in his heart that trying to have his son become Prime Minister is a losing proposition as Mukhriz does not have what it takes for the job.

In fact, neither does Datuk Wan Azizah; which is probably why Tun Mahathir does not mind her in the deputy prime minister position as he and Lim Kit Siang both know how to manage her.

Tun Mahathir is not converning himself with Wan Azizah right now because he is spending his last bit of gas trying to save Mukhriz’ political life!